Canadian data from 2018 Digital News Report released

The Canadian results from the 2018 Digital News Report confirm that Canadians have a positive opinion of the work by news...

Newspaper readership at 75% says latest NADbank release

New data for the top six Canadian markets confirms that over 75% of adults read a daily newspaper each...

New research: How much do Canadians trust different media outlets?

A new study by Pollara shows Canadians place a high level of trust in national news networks like CTV, Global, and...

Reading printed newspaper the greener choice in Europe

According to a recent KTH Centre report, reading an online newspaper for 30 minutes is more harmful to the...

Audience attitude survey identifies most trust news brands: Vividata research

In a recent INMA blog post, we find that Vividata research provides an opportunity to segment and examine newspaper...