Vernon Morning Star brings kids into the fold

The Vernon Morning Star, a Black Press Media publication, has worked with local elementary schools to create ads seen...

News Media Canada launches new industry ad campaign: ‘On the same page’

News Media Canada is pleased to release a new industry ad campaign for members to promote the most recent Newspapers 24/7...

The 2023 Young Lions Canadian competition announces Top 5 marketers and media teams

The Globe and Mail, the Official Festival Representative in Canada for the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, has...

TC Transcontinental reinvents the flyer in Montréal

TC Transcontinental has unveiled an innovative leaflet for Montréal that will reduce the volume of paper from flyers by...

News Media Canada has resources to help you ‘support local’

Shopping local means money stays in the community and supports local businesses that create local jobs. Shopping local supports schools, community groups,...

‘Local Matters’ fact sheet available to download

Local news continues to be a driving force for newspaper engagement, readers, and advertisers. Download the new Local Matters fact sheet highlighting...

Why is frequency in advertising important?

Advertisers must reach consumers multiple times to build familiarity and effectively advertise their brand message. This is called ‘frequency’,...

Your deadline to nominate a ‘Champion’ has been extended to March 10

Do you know someone in our industry who has made a difference in their community, inspired the next generation,...

Local Edge podcast looking for local guests

In a new initiative to further demonstrate the uniqueness of Canada’s non-urban markets to advertisers and agencies, AdCanada Media...

Don’t wait – Nominate a ‘Champion’ today!

We are looking for Champions Of The Truth, individuals whose work in Canadian news media has positively impacted their communities and...