New research on audience engagement with flyers and inserts

Since 2011, Newspapers Canada has partnered with the Flyer Distribution Standards Association (FDSA) to conduct research to understand Canadians’...

NADbank and PMB release spring 2015 readership studies

Today the amalgamated organization of NADbank and PMB released two new studies measuring magazine and newspaper readership in Canada....

Q4 2014 Daily Newspaper Revenue Report released

Newspapers Canada reports quarterly on daily newspaper revenues in the following categories: print advertising, online and mobile advertising, and...

Q4 2014 Linage Report now available

The Q4 2014 linage report and Run of Press spreadsheet are now available online. There are 51 newspapers participating...

American Press Institute releases new study on how Millennials consume news

Young adults consume news in strikingly different ways than previous generations according to a new study released by the...

New Pew research study highlights the power of local news in the digital age

 New research from Pew Research Center demonstrates that there is a pervasive interest in local news across North America....

Infographic on Auto Research

Newspapers Canada has prepared an easy-to-understand summary of the latest Automotive Research. The infographic is designed as a brief...

Book a free Automotive Research webinar

Did you miss our recent webinar on Newspapers Canada’s hot new automotive research? This powerful new study shows that...

NEW: One-page written summary of latest Automotive Research

Newspapers Canada recently launched new research on the power of automotive advertising in newspaper media (print and digital). This...

Free webinar on January 16 highlights new Vehicle Research study

Newspapers Canada has just launched a new research study highlighting the power of newspapers (print and digital) in selling...