Newspaper reading happens on multiple platforms, research shows

Vividata’s Spring release of the Study of the Canadian Consumer finds that nearly 2 in 3 Canadian adults (20.3 million) read or access print or digital daily newspaper brand content in an average week. More than three out of ten (33%) access content ​on a smartphone, increasing to 53% for those under 35 and 52% for newcomers to Canada.​

Readers are increasingly accessing newspaper content on digital platforms. Vividata finds that almost six out of ten readers (57%) are using their mobile devices weekly to read news, often in combination with other platforms, including computers and print. A quarter of readers (25%) are accessing printed newspapers only.

Vividata is Canada’s authoritative source for consumer and cross-media insights, and the leading provider of cross platform audience measurement. Vividata’s SCC | Study of the Canadian Consumer is the largest syndicated study in the country, surveying over 40,000 Canadians and reporting on 40 markets, over 4,000 brands and 60,000 variables in each release.